President’s Message – September 2023

by | Sep 5, 2023 | Uncategorized

Greetings, AAUW members and guests, I’m excited to lead the branch this year, my 25th year with the branch! We have a stellar leadership team for 2023-24 with lots of enthusiasm and goals for success. Success for us seems to be “catching”, as we met in early August to go over plans for the year. Over and over again, committee chairs have their ideas in place, and they are ready to commit to the goal of encouraging women through philanthropy, education and advocacy.

Over the summer, several committee chairs have been busy. First, I want to thank Mary Chesney and her team who selected nine middle school eighth grade girls that we sent to Tech Trek Camp at Pacific Lutheran University. Karla Jacks, a newer member, donated her week to chaperone students through the day and night. It was exhausting and exhilarating to hear her tell about her experiences! We were well represented thanks to this branch team. Philanthropy at work!

Second, I want to highlight the membership team and the program chairs who have been lining up programs for our scheduled monthly meetings. The membership committee, under direction with Joanne Drewsen, has been contacting members to rejoin and signing up new members. We look forward to getting together in September to see each other. The program committee, under direction of Rose Olson, has lined up the Tech Trek campers to share their experiences and maybe even their future plans at this point because of their week at camp. Education at work!

Finally, it’s up to all of us to promote advocacy for women and girls in all aspects of life. Speaking up when women are marginalized or attacked, encouraging women to further their education, supporting each other in times of need and loss. We are strong and resilient women who care about the future, as well as the present. Advocacy! Upward and onward, here we go!


April General Meeting

Thursday, April 10, 2025

Social Half Hour: 12:30 p.m.  Program: 1:00 p.m.

United Methodist Church

27128 102th Drive NW, Stanwood

Lei Wiley Mydske presents

Neurodiversity 101/p>

AAUW Stanwood Camano has earned the first three stars of the AAUW 5 star award.

Work Smart Online

AAUW’s Work Smart Online program can assist you in salary negotiations.

Learn about the course.

AAUW Action Network

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