President’s Message – June 2024

by | Jun 2, 2024 | Uncategorized

Welcome to Summer! It’s a time for R & R for those hard-working board members and their committees. Many thanks to these individuals who kept me on track and our organization running smoothly. (It takes a village!) This month I want to highlight the May STEM/Tech Trek event. It was another banner year with over 80 in attendance to celebrate high school STEM scholars and Tech Trek campers.

Thank you Mary Chesney and your committee for interviewing and selecting eager, engaged students for the campership honors. Several had siblings who had been so honored in the past, and the younger family members are eager to learn and experience for themselves.

Thanks also to Lael Williams and Linda Demetre for contacting the high schools so staff there could choose the top female students in the STEM fields. We are proud to add this award to their resumes when applying to universities in the future. Our program from Our Legacy Fields Lavender Farm was engaging and inspirational for those heading to future educational pursuits.

As my year as your local president comes to an end, I know you will continue to support those in leadership in our energetic branch. Thank you to all who put in efforts this year to make our auction such a success as well as keeping the organization running smoothly. We work well together and it has paid off!

As a closing note I wish to share the National membership vote did not achieve the 2/3 vote and did not pass. The National membership college requirement remains in effect.

I hope all your plans and visitors are delightful this summer and hope to see you at the Scholarship Tea and Annual Meeting, Sunday, June 23 at Camano Schoolhouse and the kickoff BBQ on August 8.


October General Meeting

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Program: 1:00 p.m.

Camano Library Meeting Room

Freedom to Read Presentation

AAUW Stanwood Camano has earned the first three stars of the AAUW 5 star award.

Work Smart Online

AAUW’s Work Smart Online program can assist you in salary negotiations.

Learn about the course.

AAUW Action Network

Become a “Two Minute Activist” and join AAUW in lobbying legislators for change. Sign up!