Branch Activities

Stanwood-Camano Branch of AAUW is continually recruiting new members. Our group meets September through May on the second Thursday of each month. In June, we host a final luncheon meeting to honor our scholarship award recipients. We make every effort to schedule a mix of afternoon and evening meetings to accommodate the busy work schedules of our members.  In addition to meetings, our branch also organizes informal activities for our members and their guests.

  • Day Trippers – an informal gathering of members with time and interest to participate in a variety of outings. Outings are planned whenever possible to a variety of locations. We welcome ideas for new places to go.
  • Book Club – meets the first Monday of the month. The ladies read quite a variety of books and conduct spirited discussions on the book, its author and application to their lives today.
  • Java Break – meets the third Tuesday of even months and third Wednesday of odd months at 10:00 a.m. – Cookie Mill in Stanwood for coffee and conversation.
  • Movie Group – join us for lunch and a movie. An excellent way to introduce our group to potential members.

One of the goals of this year’s board is to develop additional interest groups. The membership is invited to share their passions in developing new avenues of interest for our members. Let your board know what YOUR passion is.

If you would like additional information on joining our group or attending a meeting please email

April General Meeting

Thursday, April 10, 2025

Social Half Hour: 12:30 p.m.  Program: 1:00 p.m.

United Methodist Church

27128 102th Drive NW, Stanwood

Lei Wiley Mydske presents

Neurodiversity 101/p>

AAUW Stanwood Camano has earned the first three stars of the AAUW 5 star award.

Work Smart Online

AAUW’s Work Smart Online program can assist you in salary negotiations.

Learn about the course.

AAUW Action Network

Become a “Two Minute Activist” and join AAUW in lobbying legislators for change. Sign up!