Officers and Activity Leaders

President: Jackie-Lyn Olson
President-elect: (open position)
VP-Finance: Robin Hanks
VP-Finance-elect: Susan Jarvis
Secretary: Linda Lynn
Co-VP-Membership: Lael Williams, Joyce Leak
VP-Program: Mary Pilkington
Program Assistants: Linda Demetre, Mary Raymond
Public Policy: Judy Prince
Communications: Georgi Proulx
Communications Assistant: Martha Huyler

Activity Leaders
Purses with Purpose 2026: Mary Raymond, Georgi Proulx
AAUW Funds Coordinator: Jackie DeFazio
HS STEM Scholars: Linda Demetre, Lael Williams
Scholarships: Marianne McGarry-Bloom, Gail Merrick
Tech Trek: Mary Chesney
Candidates & Issues Forum: Kathy Cunningham
Newsletter: Martha Huyler, Georgi Proulx
Historian: Helen Smith
Diversity: Katie Farrey
501(c)(3) Compliance: Jackie DeFazio
Book Group: Katie Farrey
Day Trippers: Lynda Buehring
Movie Group: Anne Milton, Georgi Proulx
JAVA Break: Nancy Voelckers, Georgi Proulx

Branch mailing address:
P.O. Box 2652, Stanwood, WA 98292

April General Meeting

Thursday, April 10, 2025

Social Half Hour: 12:30 p.m.  Program: 1:00 p.m.

United Methodist Church

27128 102th Drive NW, Stanwood

Lei Wiley Mydske presents

Neurodiversity 101/p>

AAUW Stanwood Camano has earned the first three stars of the AAUW 5 star award.

Work Smart Online

AAUW’s Work Smart Online program can assist you in salary negotiations.

Learn about the course.

AAUW Action Network

Become a “Two Minute Activist” and join AAUW in lobbying legislators for change. Sign up!