

AAUW National Strategic Plan

President’s Message – June 2023

It has been an honor and a pleasure to serve as president of the AAUW Stanwood Camano Branch this past year. We have had a wonderful and successful year! We enjoyed coming together via in person and Zoom as our branch resumed normal activities. Thanks to our program...

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President’s Message – May 2023

It has been a pleasure this year to see so many members involved in our branch activities. Each month the Board and Leadership Team meet to plan upcoming events and meetings. We typically open each meeting with an “Icebreaker”. In April I asked the group to share...

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President’s Message – April 2023

I am happy to say that spring has arrived! I see it in the flowers popping, I hear it in the birds chirping and I feel it in the warmth of the sun on my face. It brightens my day and I hope it brightens yours as well. As a branch we look forward to our spring meetings...

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March 9 – Debbie Dimitre presents Rachel Carson

Please join us on March 9 for our general meeting at the Utsalady Ladies Aid Building (78 Utsalady Road). Our program speaker Debbie Dimitre presents Rachel Carson, American scientist, marine biologist and author of Silent Spring, the book many believe started the...

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President’s Message – February 2023

January was a busy month for our Branch with many opportunities for our AAUW family to gather together: Leadership meeting, fabulous general meeting with Washington State Poet Laureate Rena Priest, book group (at my home), viewing of the movie A Man Called Otto, our...

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President’s Message – January 2023

As we look back at this year and how far we have come and look forward to next year with enthusiasm, I'd like to share this poem with you. Another year is approaching fast. Let's hope it's a New Year with love and health; let's hope it's a blast. May all of your...

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April General Meeting

Thursday, April 10, 2025

Social Half Hour: 12:30 p.m.  Program: 1:00 p.m.

United Methodist Church

27128 102th Drive NW, Stanwood

Lei Wiley Mydske presents

Neurodiversity 101/p>

AAUW Stanwood Camano has earned the first three stars of the AAUW 5 star award.

Work Smart Online

AAUW’s Work Smart Online program can assist you in salary negotiations.

Learn about the course.

AAUW Action Network

Become a “Two Minute Activist” and join AAUW in lobbying legislators for change. Sign up!